Type Alias GraffitiPutObject<Schema>

GraffitiPutObject: Pick<GraffitiObjectBase, "value" | "channels" | "allowed"> & Partial<
> & FromSchema<Schema & typeof GraffitiPutObjectJSONSchema>

This object is a subset of GraffitiObjectBase that a user must construct locally before calling Graffiti.put. This local copy does not require system-generated properties and may be statically typed with a JSON schema to prevent the accidental creation of erroneous objects.

This local object must have a value and channels and may optionally have an allowed property.

It may also contain any of the GraffitiLocation properties: actor, name, and source. If the location provided exactly matches an existing object, the existing object will be replaced. If no name is provided, one will be randomly generated. If no actor is provided, the actor from the supplied session will be used. If no source is provided, one may be inferred by the depending on implementation.

This object does not need a lastModified or tombstone property since these are automatically generated by the Graffiti system.

Type Parameters