Wraps a Graffiti API instance to provide the synchronize methods. The GraffitiSyncrhonize class rather than the Graffiti class must be used for all functions for the synchronize methods to work.
The Graffiti API instance to wrap.
options: GraffitiSynchronizeOptionsProtected
session: null | GraffitiSessionStreams changes made to any object in any channel and made by any user. You may want to use it in conjuction with GraffitiSyncrhonizeOptions.omniscient to get a global view of all Graffiti objects passing through the system. This is useful for building a client-side cache, for example.
Be careful using this method. Without additional filters it can expose the user to content out of context.
schema: JSONSchemaOptional
session: null | GraffitiSessionProtected
newObject: GraffitiObjectBaseDeletes an object from a given location.
The deleting actor
must be the same as the
that created the object.
If the object does not exist or has already been deleted, GraffitiErrorNotFound is thrown.
The location of the object to delete.
An implementation-specific object with information to authenticate the
The object that was deleted if one exists or an object with
with a null
The object will have a tombstone
field set to true
and a lastModified
field updated to the time of deletion.
Retrieves an object from a given location.
The retrieved object is type-checked against the provided JSON schema otherwise a GraffitiErrorSchemaMismatch is thrown.
If the object existed but has since been deleted,
or the retrieving actor
was allowed
to access
the object but now isn't, this method will return the latest
version of the object that the actor
was allowed to access with its tombstone
set to true
, so long as that version is still cached.
Otherwise, if the object never existed, or the
retrieving actor
was never
to access it, or if
the object was changed long enough ago that its history has been
purged from the cache, a GraffitiErrorNotFound is thrown.
The rate at which the cache is purged is implementation dependent.
See the tombstoneReturn
property returned by discover.
The location of the object to get.
The JSON schema to validate the retrieved object against.
session: null | GraffitiSessionPatches an existing object at a given location.
The patching actor
must be the same as the
that created the object.
A collection of JSON Patch operations to apply to the object. See GraffitiPatch for more information.
The location of the object to patch.
An implementation-specific object with information to authenticate the
The object that was deleted if one exists or an object with
with a null
The object will have a tombstone
field set to true
and a lastModified
field updated to the time of deletion.
Creates a new object or replaces an existing object.
An object can only be replaced by the same actor
that created it.
Replacement occurs when the GraffitiLocation properties of the supplied object
, actor
and source
) exactly match the location of an existing object.
The object to be put. This object is statically type-checked against the JSON schema that can be optionally provided as the generic type parameter. We highly recommend providing a schema to ensure that the PUT object matches subsequent get or discover methods.
An implementation-specific object with information to authenticate the
The object that was replaced if one exists or an object with
with a null
if this method
created a new object.
The object will have a tombstone
field set to true
and a lastModified
field updated to the time of replacement/creation.
Returns statistics about all the channels
that an actor
has posted to.
This is not very useful for most applications, but
necessary for certain applications where a user wants a
global view of all their Graffiti data or to debug
channel usage.
An implementation-specific object with information to authenticate the
A stream of statistics for each channel
that the actor
has posted to.
Discovers objects created by any user that are contained
in at least one of the given channels
and match the given JSON Schema.
Objects are returned asynchronously as they are discovered but the stream will end once all leads have been exhausted. The method must be polled again for new objects.
will not return objects that the actor
is not allowed
to access.
If the actor is not the creator of a discovered object,
the allowed list will be masked to only contain the querying actor if the
allowed list is not undefined
(public). Additionally, if the actor is not the
creator of a discovered object, any channels
not specified by the discover
method will not be revealed. This masking happens
before the supplied schema is applied.
Since different implementations may fetch data from multiple sources there is
no guarentee on the order that objects are returned in. Additionally, the method
will return objects that have been deleted but with a
field set to true
cache invalidation purposes.
The final return()
value of the stream includes a tombstoneRetention
property that represents the minimum amount of time,
in milliseconds, that an application will retain and return tombstones for objects that
have been deleted.
When repolling, the lastModified
field can be queried via the schema to
only fetch objects that have been modified since the last poll.
Such queries should only be done if the time since the last poll
is less than the tombstoneRetention
value of that poll, otherwise the tombstones
for objects that have been deleted may not be returned.
"properties": {
"lastModified": {
needs to be polled for new data because live updates to
an application can be visually distracting or lead to toxic engagement.
If and when an application wants real-time updates, such as in a chat
application, application authors must be intentional about their polling.
Implementers should be aware that some users may applications may try to poll
discover repetitively. You can deal with this by rate limiting or
preemptively fetching data via a bidirectional channel, like a WebSocket.
Additionally, implementers should probably index the lastModified
to speed up responses to schemas like the one above.
The channels
that objects must be associated with.
A JSON Schema that objects must satisfy.
session: null | GraffitiSessionA stream of objects that match the given channels
and JSON Schema.
Discovers objects not contained in any
that were created by the querying actor
and match the given JSON Schema.
Unlike discover, this method will not return objects created by other users.
This method is not useful for most applications, but necessary for getting a global view of all a user's Graffiti data or debugging channel usage.
It's return value is the same as discover.
A JSON Schema that orphaned objects must satisfy.
An implementation-specific object with information to authenticate the
Begins the login process. Depending on the implementation, this may involve redirecting the user to a login page or opening a popup, so it should always be called in response to a user action.
The session object is returned
asynchronously via sessionEvents
as a GraffitiLoginEvent with event type login
proposal: { actor?: string; scope?: {} }Suggestions for the permissions that the login process should grant. The login process may not provide the exact proposed permissions.
actor?: stringA suggested actor to login as. For example, if a user tries to edit a post but are not logged in, the interface can infer that they might want to log in as the actor who created the post they are attempting to edit.
Even if provided, the implementation should allow the user to log in as a different actor if they choose.
scope?: {}A yet to be defined permissions scope. An application may use this to indicate the minimum necessary scope needed to operate. For example, it may need to be able read private messages from a certain set of channels, or write messages that follow a particular schema.
The login process should make it clear what scope an application is requesting and allow the user to enhance or reduce that scope as necessary.
Begins the logout process. Depending on the implementation, this may involve redirecting the user to a logout page or opening a popup, so it should always be called in response to a user action.
A confirmation will be returned asynchronously via
as a GraffitiLogoutEvent as event type logout
The session object to logout.
An event target that can be used to listen for the following events and they're corresponding event types:
- GraffitiLoginEventlogout
- GraffitiLogoutEventinitialized
- GraffitiSessionInitializedEventThis method has the same signature as discover but listens for changes made via put, patch, and delete or fetched from get, discover, and recoverOrphans and then streams appropriate changes to provide a responsive and consistent user experience.
Unlike discover, this method continuously listens for changes
and will not terminate unless the user calls the return
method on the iterator
or break
s out of the loop.
This method has the same signature as get but listens for changes made via put, patch, and delete or fetched from get, discover, and recoverOrphans and then streams appropriate changes to provide a responsive and consistent user experience.
Unlike get, which returns a single result, this method continuously listens for changes which are output as an asynchronous GraffitiStream.
This method has the same signature as recoverOrphans but listens for changes made via put, patch, and delete or fetched from get, discover, and recoverOrphans and then streams appropriate changes to provide a responsive and consistent user experience.
Unlike recoverOrphans, this method continuously listens for changes
and will not terminate unless the user calls the return
method on the iterator
or break
s out of the loop.
Converts a GraffitiLocation object containing a
, actor
and source
into a globally unique URI.
The form of this URI is implementation dependent.
Its exact inverse is uriToLocation.
Parses a globally unique Graffiti URI into a GraffitiLocation
object containing a name
, and source
Its exact inverse is locationToUri.
Wraps the Graffiti API so that changes made or received in one part of an application are automatically routed to other parts of the application. This is an important tool for building responsive and consistent user interfaces, and is built upon to make the Graffiti Vue Plugin and possibly other front-end libraries in the future.
Specifically, it provides the following synchronize methods for each of the following API methods:
Whenever a change is made via put, patch, and delete or received from get, discover, and recoverOrphans, those changes are forwarded to the appropriate synchronize method. Each synchronize method returns an iterator that streams these changes continually until the user calls
on the iterator orbreak
s out of the loop, allowing for live updates without additional polling.Example 1: Suppose a user publishes a post using put. If the feed displaying that user's posts is using synchronizeDiscover to listen for changes, then the user's new post will instantly appear in their feed, giving the UI a responsive feel.
Example 2: Suppose one of a user's friends changes their name. As soon as the user's application receives one notice of that change (using get or discover), then synchronizeDiscover listeners can be used to update all instance's of that friend's name in the user's application instantly, providing a consistent user experience.